Ducky Rocket
Ducky On a seat




In the distant ancient Earth era, an unprecedented disaster swept the earth, forcing the most intelligent life on Earth - hippo, set foot on a journey to find a new home. These hippos are not only large and powerful, but also possess intelligence and technological strength beyond the imagination of modern humans. They designed and built a huge launch vehicle, the Star Ark, aimed at the then-rich and untouched planet Mars. After a long and arduous interstellar voyage, the Hippo civilization successfully established a new home on Mars and ruled the Red Planet with its remarkable abilities, opening the MH Era.

Mars Hippo

Mars Hippo




Background of the birth of MH Pump cryptocurrency

With the steady development of Hippo civilization on Mars, in order to promote interplanetary economic exchanges, accelerate scientific and technological progress and maintain the harmonious symbiosis of Mars ecology, the Hippo ruler decided to issue a new cryptocurrency - MH Pump. The cryptocurrency is built on Solana, an efficient, low-latency public chain technology, and aims to be a financial link between Mars and beyond, promoting interplanetary economic prosperity.


  • Token name: Mars Hippo
  • Token symbol: MH
  • Burn at 100%
  • Procedure

    1. Say goodbye to Earth: Emigrate to Mars
    2. Landing on Mars :Landing earlier than Musk and ruling Mars
    3. Meet humans: Meet Musk on Mars to dissuade and grant humans more advanced technology.
    4. Work with humans: Issue the first Martian Hippopotamus coin.

    Core characteristic

    Moon Ducky
    Efficient Transactions:
    Based on the high performance of Solana public chain, MH Pump enables ultra-fast transaction processing capabilities, ensuring users enjoy a smooth payment experience in interplanetary trade.
    Using the powerful function of Solana smart contract, MH Pump supports complex financial application scenarios, such as interstellar lending, resource trading, copyright protection, etc., to provide technical support for the prosperity of Mars and even the entire interstellar economy.
    In order to encourage the development and innovation of the interstellar community, MH Pump has designed a rich incentive mechanism, including mining incentives, project funding, ecological construction subsidies, etc., aimed at attracting more interstellar residents to participate in the construction of Mars.

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